Puffleville Wiki

a Puffle Cat


  • The Cat Puffle appeared in two places: on a sketchpad in the Doodle Dimension and in the video, Puffle Trouble. This video takes place in Herbert's Science Lab.
  • The Cat Puffle is possibly only a Purple Puffle or a Pink Puffle wearing cat ears and a tail. If it is, it is an extremely real-looking costume, but can't be because puffles don't have hats in the wild! And plus, its purple, and it would be weird if there was a purple hat for a Blue Puffle!
  • It looks like a Hot Pink Puffle in the shadows,

    Puffle Trouble

    so hot pink puffles might be the only puffles with ears and tails.
  • Herbert might have something to do with this... maybe after the explosion he captures all the Cat Puffles!

Galery of Different Cat Puffles[]


Get Connected Puffle Party 2012!

